Our Castle

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Once upon a time, my human Se Hee danced until she could dance no more.
In grief, she started playing the drums. Heavy metal and punk music kept her sane.
However, when the pain in her legs returned, she had to leave her drumset behind.
But she kept her music and tattoos. During this time, she also adopted me from ASPCA,
a kind shelter that discovered me from the streets of the Upper East Side where I was
a gangster stray city cat. I'm glad that Se Hee rescued me but she says I saved her life more.
I remember hearing lots of loud music since childhood, and the music has never stopped.
As a matter of fact, there's a metal song blasting this very moment. Here's the song.
It's OK, I'm used to it. It feels weird when it's quiet.
My other human, Phillip, Se Hee's husband, is also a metalhead,
so ALL sides of the castle are never quiet and they often go to metal concerts together.


Otherwise, our castle is very peaceful. Se Hee and Phillip look very different
(she has dark hair & dark eyes and he has blond hair & blue eyes), but they think alike.
They also love me very much. There's a lot of sun, flowers, plants, and many places to sit.
Se Hee loves decorating and Phillip loves cooking so the castle always smells and looks nice.
Se Hee also likes to write stories and poems and she says I'm her muse, so I'm really proud of that.
Both my humans love to read, so there are many bookshelves throughout our castle.
Se Hee is currently reading The House in the Cerulean Sea by T. J. Klune.
I'm a gatekeeper and guardian and the boss, but my humans also gave me the title of
"Cat of Honor" and "Chief Cuddle Officer" at their wedding. Humans.
Anyway, I like my privacy so visitors are not welcome very often,
but if you ever do stop by, I will mostly likely be under the bed.


Til next time!

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